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Team Member Spotlight: Emily Smith

This month we are highlighting one of the new members of the Onyx Team, Emily Smith! Emily is a Property Administrator assisting with some of our largest condo clients, and oversees all leasing of our residential property management portfolio. Take a moment to get to know Emily!

How long have you worked in the property management / real estate industry?

I have worked in residential property management for two and a half years.

What part of your role do you enjoy the most?  I enjoy the continuous learning that this industry has, and the fact that every day is a new challenge.

What do you feel is your area of expertise regarding property management?

At this moment I feel my area of expertise is residential properties; listing, leasing, and managing tenant & landlord disputes. However within my role as a Property Administrator, I am learning more and more about condo management.

What has been a memorable moment for you during your Property Management career?

Any time I receive acknowledgement from clients, or receive personal reviews - it always puts a smile on my face!


What has surprised you most about working as a Property Manager Administrator?  What has surprised me most is when, at the end of the day when I am able to provide an answer or resolve an issue, Owners/Tenants are very appreciative.

What do you love about working at Onyx?  What I love about working at Onyx is the teamwork amongst colleagues, employee appreciation, and the training sessions and lunch & learns we are offered!

What hobbies or personal interests do you enjoy when not at work?  What causes are you passionate about?

 I enjoy interior design. Every room in my house currently is in the works!

Emily has quickly settled into her role as a Property Administrator at Onyx and is doing great work!

Contribution made by Jenn Bowdring

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